Main Page1 » CITES Brachypelma + Poecilotheria FOR ALL UK CUSTOMERS ONLY!!2 » Poecilotheria tigrinaweselli / Wessels tiger ornamental 2-3cm
Poecilotheria tigrinaweselli / Wessels tiger ornamental  2-3cm

Price: 18.00 £

Previous price: 20.00 £

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Poecilotheria tigrinaweselli / Wessels tiger ornamental 2-3cm

Poecilotheria tigrinaweselli / Wessels tiger ornamental 2-3cm
Average rating (5/5):
Average rating 5/5
(votes 1)

Availability: Always on stock

Shipping time: 5 days


Size: 4-6 cm BODY (DC)

Lifestyle: ARBOREAL


Temp.: 25-28*C

Humidity: 80%

Communal: NO

Experience level: ADVANCE

Quantity: pcs.
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  • Product description
  • Product reviews (1)
Poecilotheria  tigrinawesseli - Arboreal - Old World
Eastern Ghats of India - 25-29°c - lives in tropical humid and warm areas. Provide good ventilation.
Female body length 7cm
Review Author: Steven Product rating: Product rating 5/5 Date of review write: 26-05-2021
This shop is amazing the staff and the owner is there to help in any way possible it's the best arachnid shop going it sells other amazing products aswell i suggest you go check it out it's amazing creatures from the north the best.

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I have been breeding/keeping spiders for 18 years, the first i've kept was Brachypelma smithi and Psalmopoeus cambridgei. My career started with most of my spiders when i was 17 years old in Poland, although just after moving to Northern Ireland i got the idea of making a fanpage on amateur breeding.

read my bio